Tuesday, July 24, 2007

"my TRANQUIL life"

Welcome to my blog.
My tranquil life?Yes!my life eversince is so solemn.I love the way and the colors of my life now.Why?!My colors of my life brings me now and then,I am here in the level of my life which everyone's dream to be,..I am trying my best to pursue my dreams and have a better life someday..Maybe most of you wonder why the word TRANQUIL appears here on screen?!..First and foremost,.because the word TRANQUIL gives me an attention..you know whats TRANQUIL?! it means SILENT.!Nowadays,people takes for granted of silence,am i right?People most love loquacious,especially teenagers..Second..,TRANQUIL is because i love the world of silence.,I always dream a place which I can runaway when the times of my life come that I am alone,i am full of hatred,i am broke and especially when i feel i am bringing the weigh of the world which turns my knees down to land..Feeling this emotions makes us down and upset,we sometimes loses hope and fidelity on our self.,The vague of ourselves is doubt..We doubt of something b'coz we feel we are weak.,but com'on dont make a FOOL one,.Stand!!Lets shout to the world that THIS IS MY LIFE,."I CAN FACE ALL MY FEARS AND LOQUACIOUS OF MYSELF".
Lastly, TRANQUIL..this word makes me more stronger,b'coz through this we can concentrate and know more about our self..lets try to be in silent mode and you can know more of WHO YOU ARE?and WHERE ARE YOU STANDING IN YOUR LIFE?

be one of us..?!
thank you for leaning time of reading this..
my pleasure is in yours..

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