Tuesday, July 24, 2007

whats the Latest?!

.comhmmmm??!!At last.. PRELIM ends.!!
Prelims tooks us sweat..Those days let students feel nervous and confused,.especially FRESHMEN.
As what i had feel too,i feel so nervous coz thats my first time of being in the "college life"..
WOW!!!!thats only i can say..i mean prelims just passed away with just like ordinary days,.hmmm??it let me awoke at dawn just to study but still i fell asleep..Now seeing our results with the prelims exam,i feel mixed emotions,..a kind of regreting why?and a feeling being shy?!yeah its true..But i may say now GOODBYE to prelims...Im saying HI! to midterm..hmmmm...TIME clicks so fast..Its explicit for me that i am facing now to the new lessons to take up..New words to meet,new phrases to face and finally its the start of MIDTERM..

I think midterm goes as fast than the prelim..cOz i just heard from my co-students especially seniors that here comes the "INTRAMURALS"..well its again our first time to attend the UIC INTRAMURAL."goes i feel so excited with mix nervous..and CONFUSEMENT of what should i have to join or where should i have to join..well,i have a changeable mind and have no confidence to volunteer myself..hmmmm..maybe ill grab some opportunites they will give to ITE students which i will be enjoy too and have fun..YEAH!!feeling too much happy being a UICian..i never expect that i can entered this world of fun and fulfillment..


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