Thursday, July 26, 2007

"My most valuable thing"

Each and everyone of us have its valuable thing..

The very most valuable thing of mine is my "DIARY"..yes ?!its such a part of my life,or lets just say the continuation of my life is beyond this "notebook".this is my crying shoulder in times of lonesome..I am very confident to tell everything to it what happens and what would i wanted to be happens for tomorrow or the next..!This diary of mine is my everdearest bestfriend.,i could be confidentally say thats my everything..he knows everything and everything of myself.. my secrets,my hatred,my eagerness..
its much perfect to be my everything,.Times of my circumstances? other than where i cried and wrote down why this happen to my life..maybe if my diary can talk or can do an act he would spang me coz i am just a weak gal..hahahaha..But even it would happens i would just feel the pain and hide it...Someday,i know each and evryone of us will face the reality of DEATH.,in behalf of this,.my request is just my DIARY would be given to a very special person i really wanted to be with.,!Thats my lastly demand in my life..!coz all my subjects in my DIARY is only my special someone..hmmmm??who would that be?!!hehehe.,well...!gods knows it.,he will do the rest of it..ill leave it to god if he will happen to me my ever wish!!

Secondly and my lastly valuable thing is my "FACE"?!I KNOW its not a thing but its valuable for me..just look on my picture and you will know what i mean..,hehehe.,yes even i dont have the beauty,.but i am much proud of what i am now and what i look now..,well this face makes people laugh?!i have many friends b'coz of this..maybe im crazy coz i choose this to be my valuable thing.!which is my face?!then why??i dont care what you think of me..!well this face bring me to have many friends of mine..,will maybe you shocked?..,hehheh..yes its true..,yes maybe you think my blog is funny?but this is my valuable thing too,this brings me of what i am and what have now..this is my TREASURE.,and remember no one can get this from me..And it would always be mine till the world stops spinning..!
thank you so much
giving time


Kenneth Roxas said...

pareha mog valauble things sa imong uyab... uyab jud mo...
hehehe... said...

hmmmmm.....jejejeje .. Absolutely Correct Jud.. kay tinuod man na wafa Jud kah..!!! said...

hmmm....lagota pud uie pareha ta og valuable things...!!!!