Thursday, July 26, 2007

"My most valuable thing"

Each and everyone of us have its valuable thing..

The very most valuable thing of mine is my "DIARY"..yes ?!its such a part of my life,or lets just say the continuation of my life is beyond this "notebook".this is my crying shoulder in times of lonesome..I am very confident to tell everything to it what happens and what would i wanted to be happens for tomorrow or the next..!This diary of mine is my everdearest bestfriend.,i could be confidentally say thats my everything..he knows everything and everything of myself.. my secrets,my hatred,my eagerness..
its much perfect to be my everything,.Times of my circumstances? other than where i cried and wrote down why this happen to my life..maybe if my diary can talk or can do an act he would spang me coz i am just a weak gal..hahahaha..But even it would happens i would just feel the pain and hide it...Someday,i know each and evryone of us will face the reality of DEATH.,in behalf of this,.my request is just my DIARY would be given to a very special person i really wanted to be with.,!Thats my lastly demand in my life..!coz all my subjects in my DIARY is only my special someone..hmmmm??who would that be?!!hehehe.,well...!gods knows it.,he will do the rest of it..ill leave it to god if he will happen to me my ever wish!!

Secondly and my lastly valuable thing is my "FACE"?!I KNOW its not a thing but its valuable for me..just look on my picture and you will know what i mean..,hehehe.,yes even i dont have the beauty,.but i am much proud of what i am now and what i look now..,well this face makes people laugh?!i have many friends b'coz of this..maybe im crazy coz i choose this to be my valuable thing.!which is my face?!then why??i dont care what you think of me..!well this face bring me to have many friends of mine..,will maybe you shocked?..,hehheh..yes its true..,yes maybe you think my blog is funny?but this is my valuable thing too,this brings me of what i am and what have now..this is my TREASURE.,and remember no one can get this from me..And it would always be mine till the world stops spinning..!
thank you so much
giving time

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

whats the Latest?!

.comhmmmm??!!At last.. PRELIM ends.!!
Prelims tooks us sweat..Those days let students feel nervous and confused,.especially FRESHMEN.
As what i had feel too,i feel so nervous coz thats my first time of being in the "college life"..
WOW!!!!thats only i can say..i mean prelims just passed away with just like ordinary days,.hmmm??it let me awoke at dawn just to study but still i fell asleep..Now seeing our results with the prelims exam,i feel mixed emotions,..a kind of regreting why?and a feeling being shy?!yeah its true..But i may say now GOODBYE to prelims...Im saying HI! to midterm..hmmmm...TIME clicks so fast..Its explicit for me that i am facing now to the new lessons to take up..New words to meet,new phrases to face and finally its the start of MIDTERM..

I think midterm goes as fast than the prelim..cOz i just heard from my co-students especially seniors that here comes the "INTRAMURALS"..well its again our first time to attend the UIC INTRAMURAL."goes i feel so excited with mix nervous..and CONFUSEMENT of what should i have to join or where should i have to join..well,i have a changeable mind and have no confidence to volunteer myself..hmmmm..maybe ill grab some opportunites they will give to ITE students which i will be enjoy too and have fun..YEAH!!feeling too much happy being a UICian..i never expect that i can entered this world of fun and fulfillment..


"my TRANQUIL life"

Welcome to my blog.
My tranquil life?Yes!my life eversince is so solemn.I love the way and the colors of my life now.Why?!My colors of my life brings me now and then,I am here in the level of my life which everyone's dream to be,..I am trying my best to pursue my dreams and have a better life someday..Maybe most of you wonder why the word TRANQUIL appears here on screen?!..First and foremost,.because the word TRANQUIL gives me an know whats TRANQUIL?! it means SILENT.!Nowadays,people takes for granted of silence,am i right?People most love loquacious,especially teenagers..Second..,TRANQUIL is because i love the world of silence.,I always dream a place which I can runaway when the times of my life come that I am alone,i am full of hatred,i am broke and especially when i feel i am bringing the weigh of the world which turns my knees down to land..Feeling this emotions makes us down and upset,we sometimes loses hope and fidelity on our self.,The vague of ourselves is doubt..We doubt of something b'coz we feel we are weak.,but com'on dont make a FOOL one,.Stand!!Lets shout to the world that THIS IS MY LIFE,."I CAN FACE ALL MY FEARS AND LOQUACIOUS OF MYSELF".
Lastly, TRANQUIL..this word makes me more stronger,b'coz through this we can concentrate and know more about our self..lets try to be in silent mode and you can know more of WHO YOU ARE?and WHERE ARE YOU STANDING IN YOUR LIFE?

be one of us..?!
thank you for leaning time of reading this..
my pleasure is in yours..